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魏因加特纳:以培养未来精英为使命—盛情接待 NETZSCH Pumps & Systems 学徒团,携手塑造行业未来


我们坚信未来的成功在于对下一代的培养与教育。近日,在Weingärtner Maschinenbau GmbH 魏因加特纳机械制造有限公司的奥地利总部工厂,我们很荣幸地迎接来自 NETZSCH Pumps & Systems  多名学徒及其培训师团队来到公司参观交流。这次活动不仅是一次企业之间的友好互动交流,更体现了我们对未来技术人才发展的高度重视。



首先,公司总经理Dominik Weingärtner先生致以热情地欢迎并且详细介绍了因加特纳公司基本情况。随后,学徒们分成四组,深入参观了我们的生产车间,零距离体验了精密制造的全工作流程。



通过与一线技术工程师的交流,学徒们不仅加深了对技术操作的理解,也感受到了魏因加特纳公司对工艺细节的严谨追求和创新精神。 教育与技能的传承是我们企业文化的核心部分。我们始终相信,只有不断培养和支持新生代技术人才,行业的未来才会更加光明。



魏因加特纳公司始终将教育视为推动行业进步的关键。我们不仅致力于为客户提供卓越的产品和服务,更愿意为未来的技术人才搭建学习与发展的平台。我们坚信,今日的投入将为明日的辉煌打下坚实基础。 再次感谢 NETZSCH Pumps & Systems 学徒团队的到访,我们期待与更多年轻人才共同创造美好的行业未来! 魏因加特纳——承载未来的责任,培育明日的先锋!



关于NETZSCH Pumps & Systems(耐驰泵业系统公司)



魏因加特纳机械制造有限公司(Weingärtner Maschinenbau GmbH)成立于1965年,总部位于奥地利格蒙登基尔夏姆,于1984年正式开始制造数控机床,1991年完成对林辛格(Linsinger)公司的并购,之后分别于2001年、2003年、2006年和2009年进行了四次扩建,如今已走过60年的发程历程。集团公司在全球拥有700多名员工,拥有独特的旋风铣技术,成为车铣复合加工中心的重要制造商之一。作为一家独具竞争力的公司,魏因加特纳始终专注于生产极高灵活性和高精度的多产品加工中心。依托多年的制造经验,得益于全球各地可靠的合作伙伴,魏因加特纳已能够为航空制造业、能源业、油气行业、塑机行业及通用加工业等提供完整解决方案。凭借富有远见的战略规划和领先的创新能力已成为全球值得信赖的机床工具品牌



Company News | Weingärtner: Committed to Cultivating Future Elites—Warmly Welcome NETZSCH Pumps & Systems Apprentice Team, to Shape the Future of the Industry Together


We firmly believe that the future success lies in nurturing and educating the next generation. Recently, at Weingärtner Maschinenbau GmbH, we had the honor of hosting over 60 apprentices and their trainers from NETZSCH Pumps & Systems for a visit and exchange. This event not only represented a friendly interaction between companies but also highlighted our high regard for the development of future technical talent.



First, Mr. Dominik Weingärtner, the CEO of Weingärtner Maschinenbau GmbH, extended a warm welcome and provided a detailed introduction to Weingärtner. Following this, the apprentices were divided into four groups and toured our production facilities, experiencing the full precision manufacturing process up close.



Through interactions with frontline technical engineers, the apprentices gained a deeper understanding of technical operations and experienced Weingärtner's meticulous pursuit of craftsmanship and innovative spirit. Education and skill transfer are central to our corporate culture. We firmly believe that only by continually cultivating and supporting the new generation of technical talent can the future of the industry be bright.



Weingärtner consistently views education as key to driving industry progress. We are committed not only to providing excellent products and services to our clients but also to building platforms for the learning and development of future technical talent. We are confident that today's investments will lay a solid foundation for tomorrow's success. We again thank the NETZSCH Pumps & Systems apprentice team for their visit and look forward to collaborating with more young talents to shape a promising future for the industry.


Weingärtner—bearing the responsibility for the future and cultivating the pioneers of tomorrow!



About NETZSCH Pumps & Systems


As a global specialist in complex fluid handling, our customers' satisfaction is our top priority. NETZSCH has been developing, producing and distributing positive displacement pumps worldwide for more than 70 years. We develop the right pump solution for your customers' specifications. Thereby, we promise you Proven Excellence - outstanding performance in all areas. Even complex media pose no problems to our broad product range. From the smallest metering pump for the industry to large pumps for the oil and gas sector or mining - we have the solution optimised for you for every application area. NETZSCH Pumps & Systems serves markets worldwide with NEMO® progressing cavity pumps, TORNADO® rotary lobe pumps, NOTOS® multi screw pumps, PERIPRO® persitaltic pumps, grinding systems, barrel emptying systems, dosing systems and accessories. Whether environment & energy, chemical, pulp & paper, food & pharmaceutical, mining, oil & gas upstream, mid- / downstream or battery: At NETZSCH, we develop the right pump solution for your individual requirements.

About Weingärtner Maschinenbau GmbH
Weingärtner Maschinenbau GmbH, founded in 1965 and headquartered in Kirchham, Gmunden, Austria, officially began manufacturing CNC machine tools in 1984, and completed the acquisition of Linsinger in 1991. After that, four expansions were carried out in 2001, 2003, 2006 and 2009, and now it has gone through 60 years of development. With more than 700 employees worldwide, the Group has a unique whirling technology and has become one of the important manufacturers of turn-milling composite machining centers. As a competitive company, Weingärtner has always focused on the production of extremely flexible and high-precision multi-product machining centers. With many years of manufacturing experience and reliable partners around the world, Weingärtner has been able to provide complete solutions for the aerospace, energy, oil and gas, plastic machinery and general processing industries. With visionary strategic planning and leading innovation capabilitiesit has become a trustworthy machine tool brand in the world.

Weingärtner Maschinenbau GmbH 

Phone: +43 7619 21030 

Address: A - 4656, Kirchham 29 Kirchham 29, 4656 A – Austria

Website: http://www.weingartner.com




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